As in Cornwall's Eden Project the Ecorium Project is comprised a series of interlinking domes, although in this case the domes are wedge-shaped greenhouses. High technology tracks the sun and adapts the internal environment appropriately to create a global eco-environment across the spaces. No shade is used, only shade simulation by arrangement. The exterior is finished in metal panel, low iron low-e double glazing, wood and plexiglas.
"The National Ecological Institute, South Korea is intended to do comprehensive study of the converging eco-systems of nature, human and climate to ensure safety, stability and the harmonious coexistence of competing agendas," said a spokesperson for Samoo. "The NEI will play a important role as a think tank for research and policy making. Additionally, this institution will foster and nurture the general public’s awareness, educate and the importance of the environment through exhibitions and education programs."
The Ecorium Project will form the core of this programme and outwardly expresses both its importance in the directive and its synergy with nature. Sinuous, leaf-like lines are used and echoed within the landscaping. Seen from above the structure would appear as a tributary river. The wider NEI plans are currently enduring the tendering process but will eventually see a large wild plant reserve, wetlands reserve, visitors centre and railway join the Ecorium to create a public haven for the study of nature.

Source: World Architecture News
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